So, it’s been a little while since my last post. I was hoping to have heard something regarding the latest draft of the book but it’s a busy time for my editor and so I’m still waiting to hear back. In the meantime, I’ve been tinkering with the website and have rediscovered Twitter. I’ve also been doing some reading and catching up with TV and movies. Further to my last post, I decided to re-read ‘Savage Season’, the first Hap and Leonard book by Joe R. Lansdale. It was great the first couple of times I read it and this time was no different. It’s a quick, pacy thriller, with great characters and snappy dialogue. The TV show’s been getting a great response in the U.S., though I think I’ll hold out watching it and read the rest of the books first. Next in the series is ‘Mucho Mojo’, my personal favourite of the ones I’ve read so far. It’d be nice if the more recent books were brought out in the UK as a full series. I think the TV show will definitely generate interest in the stories and help to draw in new readers. At the moment though, I’m reading a non-fiction book, research for my next project, which I’ve just started planning and making notes for.